Publicaciones en Capítulos de Libros
Autor(es) / Publicación | |
1 | Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Vallejos, P. (2007). Motion Detection and Object Tracking for an AIBO Robot Soccer Player. In P. Lima (Ed.), Robotic Soccer, I-Tech Education and Publishing, pp. 337-346 (ISBN 978-3-902613-21-9). |
Autor(es) / Publicación | |
1 | Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2008). Capítulo 8: Multimedia en la Web. In C. Gutiérrez (Ed.), Cómo funciona La Web, Centro de Investigación de la Web, pp. 103-111 (ISBN 9789563192251). |
2 | Duarte-Mermoud, M.A., Beltrán, N.H., and Vergara S.H. (2008). Classification of Chilean wines. In Belief Networks: A Practical Guide to Applications. Eds: Olivier Pourret, Patrick Naïm and Bruce G. Marcot. Chapter 16, pp. 279-300. John Wiley & Sons, May 2008 (ISBN-13: 9780470060308). |
Autor(es) / Publicación | |
1 | Orchard, M., Kacprzynski, G., Goebel, K., Saha, B., and Vachtsevanos, G., Applications of Intelligent Control to Engineering Systems. In Honour of Dr. G. J. Vachtsevanos, Ed. Kimon P. Valavanis, Chapter Title: Advances in Uncertainty Representation and Management for Particle Filtering Applied to Prognostics, Publisher: Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, June 2009, pp. 23-35. ISBN 978-90-481-3017-7. |
2 | Palma-Behnke, R., Vargas, L., Object Oriented Approaches for Integrated Analysis of Interdependent Energy Networks, Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009. Ver. |
3 | Zhang, B., Khawaja, T., Patrick, R., Vachtsevanos, G., Orchard, M., and Saxena, A., Applications of Intelligent Control to Engineering Systems. In Honour of Dr. G. J. Vachtsevanos, Ed. Kimon P. Valavanis, Chapter Title: A Novel Blind Deconvolution De-Noising Scheme in Failure Prognosis, Publisher: Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, June 2009, pp. 37-64. ISBN 978-90-481-3017-7 |
Autor(es) / Publicación | |
1 | Palma-Benhke, R., Estévez, P., Jiménez, G., Energías renovables no convencionales, Energía sustentable para Chile (redes inteligentes), 2010, ISBN: 978-956-8753-04-7, 2010. |
2 | Palma-Benhke, R., Jiménez, G., Cortés, M. Compendio Energético de Chile 2010, Capítulo: El Sector Energético en Chile, pp. 9-95, Electricidad Interamericana, EDITEC S.A., ISSN 0718-137X, 2010. |